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Neuromuscular Specific Treatment ( NST ).

Neurofunctional Integration Therapy ( NIT )



Taking all of my courses I combine everything I know into my massage therapy when needed. As I first started out, I wanted to specialize in spinal injuries massage. Since completing NMT 8 ( St. John Neuromuscular Therapy Seminars ) and then

The Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex IntegrationSM (MNRI®)  my whole process of looking at a person of how they stand compared to their posture has changed drastically. I am getting results faster and the patient can see and feel the results as I work.

In school we touched on the Lovett Reactor System. In NST this chart came into effect very strong.Using intensive clinical trials,treating  hundreds of individuals, and my experiments with the clients over a 20 year period I established the most effective and reproducible interpretation of my work.

In 2005 MY work had achieved the status of a truly integrated and effective system, and was given the name Neuromuscular Specific Treatment (NST).

It is important to understand that the qualities which make the NST style so unique essentially set it apart from all other original and previous interpretations of others work, currently being taught. NST is clearly and emphatically in a class of its own.








  • Spinal conditions

  • Cranial conditions

  • Headaches including migraines

  • Neck conditions including whiplash

  • Back conditions including pelvic, lumbar and thoracic

  • Shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand conditions

  • Leg, knee, ankle and foot conditions

  • All visceral conditions

  • Asthma and other respiratory conditions

  • Arthritis and joint conditions

  • Menstrual, fertility and menopausal conditions

  • Accident injuries

  • Sporting injuries

  • Acute and chronic fatigue

  • Stress conditions and emotional depression



The NST considers principles that causes pain
They are:
1.    Ischemia
2.    Trigger points
3.    Nerve compression and entrapment
4.    Postural distortion
5.    Biomechanical dysfunction

6.    Dynamic and Postural Reflex Pattern 


NST Treatment:

·    Medical Examination Is Imperative
·    Medical diagnosis is necessary
·    Knowledge of anatomy and physiology is essential
·    Immediate objective changes anticipated

                                                                   WHY USE NST


                                                                                                                         Throughout the session the recipient experiences deep relaxation,                                                                                                                                  essentially providing the body with a window of to                                                                                                                                                        comprehensively reorganise itself via the natural activation of various                                                                                                                            neural reflexes and important regulatory systems. 
                                                                                                                        The human body maintains life and health in an amazing way. Each                                                                                                                                individual cell performs an activity that contributes to the bodys overall                                                                                                                          function. Nerve impulses transmit information to maintain a balance in                                                                                                                            internal environment (homeostasis). Every day, life situations threaten to                                                                                                                      disrupt that balance. Physical traumas, strains and emotional stress                                                                                                                                undermine homeostasis. This imbalance leads to aches and pains which                                                                                                                          left untreated may result in physiological dysfunction.
                                                                                                                        There are ways to get at the roots of these imbalances and alleviate                                                                                                                                much of the pain and dysfunction.


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