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The nerves in our spinal column are very sensitive to pressure and stress. When the spine becomes misaligned sufficiently it stresses the nerves, compromises their normal impulses, and changes function throughout the body. Nerves are responsible for four primary functions: 
1.    Control and regulate all vital functions including circulation, breathing and digestion. 
2.    Activate muscles allowing us to move. 
3.    Allow us to sense, perceive and feel. 
4.    Relate us to the world outside ourselves including learning, experiencing and behaviour.

Assessment is focused on the relationship of the head to the neck and the rest of the spine. The first vertebrae (Atlas), must be in line with the head, as well as the vertebrae below (Axis). Spinal injury or damage can misalign these structures resulting in: 
1.    Postural imbalance. 
2.    Pelvic distortion. 
3.    Leg length 

Neuromuscular Specific Technique (NST) is based on principles of Lovett reactor and movement patterns(Biomechanics). A soft tissue manipulation and joint mobilization.
A light touch and controlled assist on movement of the first and second vertebrae in the neck is designed to restore balance to the spine. The primary focus is on the spine and surrounding tissue, the effects of the correction influences the whole spine and all body systems. This influences body balance, the brain stem and central nervous system. 
Because each movement and soft tissue release  experience and healing response is unique to the individual, you will be monitored closely for any changes that you might experience which are linked to the healing process. 

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